Education Management System

Education Management System is our SAAS product that empowers the institutions to automate the admission process as well as the administration process for the institutions. The system is well equipped with all the reportings required for the smooth operations of the educational institutions.

Freight Management System

Freight Management System available as SAAS product. Trucking societies can use the system to manage the whole transportation process of goods. Starting from demand to payment to the operators. The system includes various features required by trucking societies like Sale-Purchase, Loan Management, PPF Management, Demand Allocation, Operator Account Management. Various reports for both operators and societies.


The Ministry Of CGI

Single place to get professional images for purchase.
Client:- Paul Hogenboom

Smart Data Solutions

Smart Data Solutions offers you the ability to receive details of your smart meters of gas or electricity daily. This can be done in any format, from email to XML and in any way, such as via FTP or web service.
Client :- Smartdata Solutions. B.V.


A portal where you can check the detailed graphical information about the consumption/ production of electricity and gas at your various locations to keep track of your energy usage.
Client :- Smartdata Solutions. B.V.


Client:- Allard van Krevel


It is an invoicing, data management, graphical representational system.
Client :- Smartdata Solutions. B.V.


Connections of Web shops and invoice systems.
Client:- Webwinkel Facturen.NL